GET Coach Operators to Demonstrate Skills at Friendly Bus Roadeo Competition
contact: RELEASE DATE:
Kathleen McNeil For immediate release
(661) 401-1729
GET Bus Operators to Demonstrate Skills at Friendly Bus Roadeo Competition
Golden Empire Transit to Hosts Its First Bus Roadeo in Seventeen Years
Bakersfield, California, May 9, 2024: The GET Bus Roadeo is a bus operators’ skills test competition and training event, happening this Saturday, May 11, 2024, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at Golden Empire Transit District located at 1830 Golden State Ave., Bakersfield, CA, 93301. This event is for competitors, staff and their families; it is not open to the public.
This friendly competition challenges drivers to navigate an obstacle course. Penalties assessed for making contact with cones, curbs, and barrels, among other things. First, second and third place winners will receive trophies and bragging rights.
“It will a great day for staff and their families, lots of fun, but the true purpose is to cultivate drivers’ excellence behind the wheel,” stated event organizer Deidre Brown, director of GET safety and training. “It reinforces safe driving habits while ensuring passenger safety.”
Who: GET and Kern Regional bus operators, staff, their families, and media
What: 2024 GET Bus Roadeo
When: Saturday, May 11, 2024, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Where: Golden Empire Transit, 1830 Golden State Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301
About GET:
The Golden Empire Transit District, formed in July 1973, is the primary public transportation provider for the Bakersfield Urbanized Area. GET currently has a fleet of 90 natural gas buses and 10 hydrogen zero emissions buses, all equipped with wheelchair lifts and bike racks. GET operates 16 routes, which operate 7 days a week.