Explanation of full time and part time employees


Golden Empire Transit District –
Explanation of 
full time and part time employees


Many organizations employ a combination of full time and part time employees. This allows the organization to balance revenue and expenses and is a common business practice within the realities of today’s economic conditions.

GET employees 70 full time drivers and 147 part time drivers. The part time status is clearly explained when employees are hired. GET does not guarantee hours although part time employees bid for routes based on seniority as do full time employees. Part time employees also receive medical and dental benefits, holidays, sick days, vacation and reimbursement for education expenses.

There is no promise of full time status given to part time employees at any time during the hiring process or during employment at GET. GET’s starting pay rate for part time drivers is $14.23 per hour. In comparison, Kern Regional Transit starts drivers at $11.65 per hour.  GET’s top pay rate is $22.23 per hour. Kern Regional Transit’s top pay rate is $14.91 per hour.

Mechanics and servicers are hired as full time employees with full time benefits.

GET officials are prepared to return to negotiations at any time. Arbitration was also discussed during negotiations and GET officials conveyed to the union negotiating team that the District was open to arbitration at any time.

Golden Empire Transit District is a special governmental district formed in 1973. The boundaries of the District include the city of Bakersfield and some county areas adjacent to the city. The District is governed by a five person board of directors. 

Explanation of GET employment positions

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