GET Announces Reduced Service Schedule

News Release

Janet Sanders
Office: 661.869.6304

March 19, 2020

GET Announces Reduced Service Schedule

Bakersfield, CA — Golden Empire Transit will continue to provide an essential service to our community. GET is taking extraordinary efforts to protect the health and safety of riders and employees while working tirelessly to maintain essential services to our community.

GET will move to a reduced weekend schedule running daily. With the decrease in ridership due to the COVID-19 virus and the precautions the community is taking, GET will reduce service starting Monday, March 23, 2020. Customers should refer to our Saturday schedule for information. The weekend schedule is in the GET bus book, on our website ( or through the Transit App for the fixed route bus and the TransLoc App for Ryde.

Reduced Schedule as of March 23, 2020

  • Fixed Route buses will operate 6:30am – 7:00pm daily.
  • GET-A-Lift will operate for medically necessary appointments ONLY (Doctors Appointment,
    Pharmacy and Grocery Store).
  • RYDE will follow the weekend schedule of 7am-7pm daily.
  • X-92 to IKEA will run a regular schedule.

These changes will result in the temporary furlough of approximately 30 employees.

GET was formed in July 1973 and is the primary public transportation provider for the Bakersfield Urbanized Area. It is the largest public transit system within a 110-mile radius. The District’s legal boundary includes Bakersfield city limits as well as adjacent unincorporated areas. GET has a fleet of 88 compressed natural gas buses equipped with wheelchair lifts and bike racks. GET serves 16 routes, operating 7 days a week and transporting more than 6 million passengers each year with its fixed-route buses. In addition, GET operates 25 compressed natural gas GET-A-Lift buses and 7 microtransit RYDE shuttles. For more information, visit or call 869.2GET (2438).

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