Golden Empire Transit District Route and System Performance Report for FY 2018-2019

News Release

Jill Smith
Office: 661.869.6307

September 18, 2019

Golden Empire Transit District Route and System Performance Report for FY 2018-2019

Bakersfield, CA — The Golden Empire Transit District (GET) has completed its fiscal year 2018-2019 route and system performance report counting a total of 6.2 million passengers. While the overall fixed-route ridership was down by 2.8 percent from the previous year, weekend ridership on nearly half of the routes stayed level or increased. Routes 21, 22, 43, 44, 45, and 81 were the system’s most productive weekday routes, which include stops like the Downtown Transit Center and Bakersfield College, among other high-traffic destinations. Routes 22 and 44 were the most productive weekend routes.

GET-A-Lift ridership was down slightly as well, counting 55,655 passengers for the year. Further, the performance report showed that 38 percent of all trips reported wheelchair lift activity. Much of the wheelchair lift activity was reported on weekdays between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Route 22 saw the highest wheelchair lift activity for the year.

Bicycle rack usage went up by five percent from the previous year with much of the activity occurring on weekday afternoons. Route 22 had the highest bike rack usage for the year.

The GET report also gave a passing grade to the system’s on-time performance, while showing a 29 percent decrease in the number of missed trip reports compared to the previous year. “The District has an established standard for on-time performance, which states that 85 percent of all trips should run zero minutes early to five minutes late,” explained Karen King, GET’s CEO. “As demonstrated in the report, GET’s on-time performance is averaging 85 percent.”

The all-new RYDE microtransit service, which operates in southwest Bakersfield, has experienced tremendous growth each month since its launch as a pilot program earlier this year. The report indicates that 3,523 passengers used the RYDE service in its first three months of operation. Currently, most customers are booking a RYDE using the TransLoc app, but passengers can also book by calling 661.869.6380 or simply approaching a RYDE vehicle and telling the driver where they want to go.

To view a full copy of the GET Route and System Performance Report for FY 2018-2019, please visit

GET was formed in July 1973 and is the primary public transportation provider for the Bakersfield Urbanized Area. It is the largest public transit system within a 110-mile radius. The District’s legal boundary includes Bakersfield city limits as well as adjacent unincorporated areas. GET has a fleet of 90 compressed natural gas buses equipped with wheelchair lifts and bike racks. GET serves 16 routes, operating 7 days a week and transporting more than 6 million passengers each year with its fixed-route buses. In addition, GET operates 21 compressed natural gas GET-A-Lift buses. For more information, visit or call 869.2GET (2438).

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