News Release
Office: 661.869.6304
November 2, 2020
Golden Empire Transit offering FREE rides on Election Day Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Bakersfield, CA — If you live in Bakersfield and do not have a car, you now have a helpful option to get to a polling place.
Golden Empire Transit announced it would make all rides on fixed route buses and Get-A-Lift FREE on Election Day Tuesday, November 3, 2020.
Karen King, CEO said the hope is that the FREE fares will encourage voting on Election Day. We are happy to provide this service so that all people have the opportunity to vote.
“The community can access the bus to get them to the polling location in their area,” King said. “It’s very important to vote, we don’t want transportation to be a barrier for someone seeking to exercise their right to vote.”
If you choose to use GET Bus or Get-A-Lift to vote, social distancing guidelines are still in place. Masks remain mandatory aboard all GET Bus vehicles.
Go to the APP Store or Google Play and download the Transit App to start planning your ride.
To find the nearest polling location visit
GET was formed in July 1973 and is the primary public transportation provider for the Bakersfield Urbanized Area. It is the largest public transit system within a 110-mile radius. The District’s legal boundary includes Bakersfield city limits as well as adjacent unincorporated areas. GET has a fleet of 88 compressed natural gas buses equipped with wheelchair lifts and bike racks. GET serves 16 routes, operating 7 days a week and transporting more than 6 million passengers each year with its fixed-route buses. In addition, GET operates 25 compressed natural gas GET-A-Lift buses and