April 21, 2020
A Board Meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at Golden Empire Transit District, 1830 Golden State Avenue, for the purpose of considering the District’s proposed Capital Planning projects.
The proposed improvements are:
CSUB: California State University Award Contract
Zero Emission Bus Fleet Transition Plan Development Award Contract
*On March 17, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order, N-29-20. This order removes the requirement that Board Members be present at, a location be made available for the public to gather for purposes of observing and commenting at the meeting. Golden Empire Transit District’s April 21, 2020, Board Meeting will be held via teleconference in light of Governor Newsom’s State of Emergency declaration regarding the COVID-19 outbreak and in accordance with Executive Order N-25-20 and the Guidance for Gatherings issued by the California Department of Public Health. The Board room will be available for those who wish to provide public comment. Board Members will participate in the meeting from individual remote locations.
Anyone with questions or concerns are encouraged to attend this meeting or submit written comments to GET, 1830 Golden State Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301. People with special needs or requirements should contact Janet Sanders at (661) 324-9874 by April 20, 2020.
Karen H. King
(661) 324-9874