NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – February 20, 2024
January 4, 2024
Before the Board of Directors of the Golden Empire Transit District (GETD) in the matter of COMMENTING ON AND IDENTIFYING UNMET TRANSIT NEEDS:
1. The Golden Empire Transit District will receive public testimony identifying and commenting on unmet transit needs that may exist in the metropolitan Bakersfield area. An unmet transit need exists if an individual of any age or physical condition is unable to transport him or herself due to deficiencies in the existing transportation system and are reasonable to meet. Excluded are (1) those requests for minor operational improvements and (2) those improvements funded and scheduled for implementation in the following year. The term “reasonable to meet” is defined as: (A) operating feasibility, (the requested improvement must be safe to operate and there must be adequate roadways for transit vehicles); (B) duplication of service, (the proposed service shall not duplicate other transit services); (C) timing, (the proposed service shall be in response to an existing, rather than a future need); and (D) service must meet the legally required farebox ratio (PUC Sections 99268.2, 99268.5 and CAC Section 6633.2, 6633.5) with fares close to fares of similar service.
2. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held in the Golden Empire Transit District’s Board Room, 1830 Golden State Avenue, Bakersfield, California at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 for the purpose of receiving comments and testimony regarding any unmet transit needs that are reasonable to meet and which may exist in the metropolitan Bakersfield area. GETD shall review all available information and adopt, by resolution, its findings for the metropolitan Bakersfield area.
3. A person wishing to present testimony related to unmet transit needs may appear and be heard, may email testimony to, or may submit written comments to Golden Empire Transit District, 1830 Golden State Avenue, Bakersfield, CA. 93301 for inclusion in the official record of the hearing.
Karen H. King
(661) 324-9874