Public Hearing (11/1/2022) for Proposed Fare Restructuring


On November 1st, Golden Empire Transit District will be having a public hearing to address a proposed fare increase for some services.  Services affected include: The 31-day pass, 31-Day Pass Express. Monthly Reduced Fare Pass, Microtransit trips over 12 miles and a new tiered service: On-Demand Reduced Fare (formerly CTSA). Please see the chart below for proposed price changes.


(click the image to make it larger)


Written comments will be received until 1:00 p.m. the day of the hearing. Written comments may be delivered or mailed to the following address:

Golden Empire Transit District
1830 Golden State Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93301-1012

Or emailed to Melanie Silva at:

Transportation will be provided for anyone who wishes to attend and cannot use regularly scheduled service to get home. People with special needs or requirements should contact Melanie Silva at (661) 324-9874 by October 27, 2022.
Information will be provided in alternative format upon request.

