News Release
Jill Smith
Office: 661.869.6307
June 21, 2019
Temporary GET Bus Stop at CSUB
Bakersfield, CA —Golden Empire Transit District (GET) announced there will be a temporary bus stop at Don Hart Drive East during construction at California State University – Bakersfield beginning June 24.
The GET bus stop will be moved from its current location at Don Hart Drive West to Don Hart Drive East during the construction of the future Transit Center at CSUB this summer. Construction is estimated to last through August 2019.
GET was formed in July 1973 and is the primary public transportation provider for the Bakersfield Urbanized Area. It is the largest public transit system within a 110-mile radius. The District’s legal boundary includes Bakersfield city limits as well as adjacent unincorporated areas. GET has a fleet of 90 compressed natural gas buses equipped with wheelchair lifts and bike racks. GET serves 16 routes, operating 7 days a week and transporting more than 6 million passengers each year with its fixed-route buses. In addition, GET operates 21 compressed natural gas GET-A-Lift buses. For more information, visit or call 869.2GET (2438).